Requirements and Dues

WIB Fall 2024 Member Information

Point Requirement

All members have to earn 15 points to make membership. We strongly encourage members to be as engaged as possible to get the most out of WIB!

The purpose of the Women in Business point system is to ensure active members are participating in professional, educational, and social events to help foster personal growth. At the beginning of the semester, potential members must complete an application and attend a membership meeting. Once applicants are accepted, throughout the semester, they must:

  • Attend 4 General Meetings
  • Attend 9 Event point opportunities
  • Attend 1 Philanthropy Event point opportunity
  • Attend  1 Community Service/Volunteer Event point opportunity

For a total of 15 points, consisting of 4 General Meetings and 11 Event Points (one of which must be a Philanthropy and Volunteer point as stated above). Failure to attend an event that you signed up for will result in an equivalent point deduction.

If a member does not reach the point requirement by the end of the semester, they will be put on probation. Probation means the member will still be able to join the next semester but is at risk for membership termination. After 2 semesters of probation, this will result in termination of current membership and denial of future membership to WIB.

The top three members with the highest points will receive a special incentive for their efforts at the end of the semester!

If you have questions about membership or point requirements please contact our VP of Technology at!

Membership Meeting

ALL new members will be required to attend the membership meeting selected on their application. New member meetings will take place the Sunday before the first General Meeting. Failure to attend one of these meetings will result in denied membership. To gain membership to WIB, the person must reapply for the next semester.

Lean In Circles

All new members will be required to join a Lean In Circle. Previous members will be highly encouraged but not required to join. For more information on Lean In Circles, please visit the Internal Programs portion of this website.


For the Fall 2024 Semester, all dues given to the organization will be donations. This is subject to change for future semesters. 

No members are required to pay a membership due at the start of the semester but can give donations to the organization. Membership donations typically cover snacks for certain events hosted by WIB, member social events, and Professional Trip expenses.

If you would like to donate to WIB to help keep our organization due-free, please contact our VP of Finance,

Requirements and Dues was last modified: September 9th, 2024 by mafarrell