Planning courses for spring? Try our new fillable major sheets.

As a business or pre-business student, you’re probably familiar with our planning sheets, or major sheets, which are our detailed guides to completing all requirements for each of our six majors.

We have now launched fillable pdf versions of those majors sheets, plus a new one for Direct & Standard Admit students, which is not major-specific.  These allow you to keep track of which courses you have left, to add up your hours remaining, and to create a typed course plan.

Both standard and fillable major sheets are accessible here.

Pro tip: The fillable major sheets work best when you (1) download the pdf, (2) save it to you computer, and (3) open the pdf in Adobe.  We created a quick video to show you those steps.  We recommend you watch that quickly and then download the sheet of your choice.

Happy planning!




Jennifer Blair

Blair, Jennifer A - Assoc. Director, Advising & Registration, UPO