Here is a summary of the most common course deadlines. There are even more deadlines listed on the Office of the Registrar’s website:
Adding and Dropping the First Week of Classes
You may add and drop courses the first week of the semester via MyUI. This option ends at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, September 2.
Adding and Dropping the Second Week and On
- Adding courses (Paper Form Needed)
Starting Tuesday, September 3, you will have to use a paper Change of Registration Form to add courses or change sections. You can get a change of registration form:
• You will an instructor’s signature to add or change sections.
• You’ll also need an advisor’s signature if you are a prebusiness student or if you are a student admitted to the Tippie College in your first year of enrollment at the University.
• You do not need an advisor’s signature to change sections of the same class.
The last day to add semester-length courses is Monday, September 9.
- Dropping Courses (MyUI or Paper Form)
• Starting Tuesday, September 3, you may continue to drop courses using MyUI. You will be prompted about the permissions you’ll need to drop. Student-Athletes and International students require additional permissions.
• Instructor’s permissions are NOT required for dropping courses.
• If you are a prebusiness student or if you are a student admitted to the Tippie College in your first year of enrollment at the University, you will be required to meet with your advisor to receive permission to drop a course.
• Tippie students in their second year and above do not need an advisor’s permission to drop.
The last day to drop semester-length courses without a W is Monday, September 9. Starting September 10 you will have a “W” on your transcript when you drop a semester length course.
The last day to drop semester-length courses is Monday, November 4.
Additional Deadlines
To look up deadlines for your courses especially those that are off-cycle (not the full semester) :