Tippie Women Summit Returns
The 2023 Tippie Women Summit will include three events – one IN-PERSON and two virtual events. All are free and to the public. Check out the full slate of programming – you won’t want to miss the networking at the March 23 in-person event at the Courtyard Marriott near Kinnick.
First event:
Friday, March 3 at 12 noon (recorded and shared on the Tippie Alumni Website)
Live & Learn: Mistakes Make Us Who We Are
This alumni panel discussion will be moderated by Tippie alum Sheri Salata (BBA80), transformation expert and former Oprah Winfrey executive producer and co-president of OWN. Panelists will share stories of mistakes, regrets, and lessons learned. Register here: https://uiowa.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nthbGTjUQq28h9uWw24Bxg#/registration