Tippie Monday Memoir


This spring, the Tippie UPO & the Tippie DEI committee are partnering to host a monthly event featuring a different Tippie community member who will tell their story of Who I Am. Storytellers will be faculty, staff, students, and alums.

Join our monthly zoom call on the first Monday of the month to hear from someone different, ask them questions, and learn together!

The first storyteller is Jeffrey Ding.  Jeffrey graduated from the University of Iowa in 2016 after pursuing Economics in Tippie, political science, and Chinese.  He also completed the International Business Certificate.  Jeffrey pursued his graduate studies at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar.

When: Monday, February 1st from 12-12:30pm

RSVP here.

Joelle Brown

Brown, Joelle M - Asst. Director, Global Community Engagement, UPO