On March 30-31, the Tippie Dean’s Search Committee interviewed semi-finalist candidates via Zoom. We are pleased to announce we have identified, in consultation with Provost Fuentes, four highly qualified finalists who will move to the next stage of the process. We are excited about the strengths and experience that each of these finalists would bring to the role.
Originally, campus visits were scheduled for the end of April and beginning of May. After discussion with Provost Fuentes, we decided to proceed with the finalist interviews as scheduled via Zoom. Each candidate will have interviews over a two-day period. This allows us to continue to gather information about the candidates and allows the candidates to continue to learn more about Tippie and the University of Iowa. This will also keep the finalists engaged in our search process. If the search was paused, we run the risk of losing candidates to other ongoing searches.
The finalist interviews are scheduled for April 23-24, April 27-28, April 30-May 1, and May 4-5. The afternoon before each finalist interview, we will post the candidate’s name, bio, and curriculum vitae on the Tippie dean search website: https://tippie.uiowa.edu/dean-search
What will happen after the virtual finalist interviews? That will depend on several emerging factors. At this point, we plan to bring our top finalists to campus for in-person visits after it is safe to travel and gather. It is important not only for us to have in-person meetings with the candidates, but also for the candidates to have an opportunity to visit campus.
The current COVID-19 situation has introduced some uncertainty to the dean search process. However, as with other aspects of our jobs, we are learning to adapt. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Amy Colbert, co-chair, Tippie Dean Search Committee
Alec Scranton, co-chair, Tippie Dean Search Committee
Kenneth G. Brown, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program
Ralph L. Sheets Professor of Management
Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Ph: 319-335-0924 Tw: @kgbphd