April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) provides information and resources with their “We Can Build Safe Online Spaces” campaign, which highlights how to practice consent online and build respectful online communities. Locally, RVAP has partnered with a variety of campus and community organizations to host a month-long calendar of events (most of which are virtual). Click on this link to be taken to a list of events.
Below are some of the local events that occur this week:
April 12th: 7-9pm CST: Queer Art Healing Group: Teal Time
April 18th, 10-11am CST: Yoga for Connection (Zoom ID: 411 109 7400)
April 18th, 1-4pm CST: LGBTQIA Culinary Skills Support Group (to join, contact esmacy@uiowa.edu)