Let’s Talk Hawks! is a brief mental health consultation with a mental health professional. A few reasons you might access Let’s Talk Hawks! is for:
- Questions about beginning therapy
- Concerns about a peer and how you can support/help them
- A specific, present concern you’d like resources on
- Referrals to on and off campus resources
- Learn more about services available through University Counseling Services
- Share a programming idea related to mental health for Tippie
For Fall 2021, Let’s Talk Hawks! will be held via Zoom, September 7th-December 7th. Appointments are first come, first serve and are for 5-15 minutes in length. To attend a session use the following Zoom link https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/91905118790?pwd=dmdZRUZmNldwSzdqOU8reHN5ak8wUT09 or meeting ID 980 8797 0518
Let’s Talk Hawks! is not an emergency or crisis service. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or contact one of the following:
- CommUnity: 1-855-581-8111
- UIHC Emergency Treatment Center: 319-356-2233
- UCS at 319-335-7294 between 8:00 a.m-5:00 p.m. to request a quick access or same-day appointment.