LAST CHANCE to compete for $5,000+ in only 24 Hours — Tippie Sustainability Case Competition Deadline Extension

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make over $5,000 in only 24-hours?

This is your LAST CHANCE to compete in the inaugural Tippie Sustainability Case Competition (April 5-6)!

Registration deadline extended to Wednesday, April 3rd, at 11:59 p.m. 

  • No preparation or pre-work necessary!
  • Open to all students and majors at the UI.
  • $5,000+ PRIZE MONEY distributed between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams!
  • Free breakfast, lunch, and catered dinner on Saturday, April 6th for competition participants.
  • Registration will now be capped at 15 teams with teams consisting of three or four students.
  • Students can register with a full team OR individually sign up to be assessed for a team by the planning committee.
    • Limit two Seniors per team.
    • Individual registration will be placed in balanced and competitive teams based on academic information.
  • Teams receive the case prompt morning of April 5th (written by the Tippie Social Impact Community) and get 24 hours to build their solutions for April 6th presentations.
  • Help get potential team members excited by sharing this email and on Instagram!
  • Email for more info!

The inaugural Tippie Sustainability Case Competition will challenge teams of four UI undergraduate students to integrate knowledge from core business disciplines to solve a sustainability challenge facing organizations today. Students from all disciplines will have the opportunity to develop leadership and decision-making skills that will help them maximize economic, social, and environmental sustainability in their future jobs. The competition is presented by: Tippie Undergraduate Program Office (UPO), Tippie Senate, and the Tippie Social Impact Community (SIC).

Tevin Robbins

Robbins, Tevin S - Associate Director, Student Engagement