Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling?

Take a minute and think on this, have you been in the middle of working on an assignment or studying for a test when suddenly you catch yourself scrolling on your phone with no intention…yep, likely you’ve been there. Social media is designed to be bottomless content which leads to mindless scrolling.

This week Tippie Thrive is hosting a Social Media Spring Clean-up display in the South Galleria. We encourage you to stop by and assess your social media usage, the impact it has on you, learn more about what social media does to us and take action steps to clean up your social media. Cleaning up your social media might be deleting accounts that are triggering, pointless to you, or redundant, it might be filtering your newsfeed, it might be updating privacy settings, or it might setting limits with your time on social media.

We challenge you to be more present in your daily life & take yourself offline…..

·        Eat a meal without being on your phone.

·        Walk to campus without your earbuds.

·        Talk to the person sitting next to you in class

·        Write a letter to someone close to you

·        Acknowledge what you are grateful for

·        Watch a show without being on your phone

·        Go get coffee or lunch with a friend

·        The list goes on, what will you do to be more present?


Kati Schneider

Schneider, Kati M - Embedded Staff Therapist, UCS, College of Business