ANNOUNCING Inaugural Tippie Sustainability Case Competition — April 5th and 6th, 2024

“Natural Pearl” by Nigel Hall

The Inaugural Tippie Sustainability Case Competition will challenge teams of four UI undergraduate students to integrate knowledge from core business disciplines to solve a sustainability challenge facing organizations today. The competition is presented by: Tippie Undergraduate Program Office (UPO), Tippie Senate, and the Tippie Social Impact Community (SIC).

  • Open to all students and majors
  • Limit two Seniors per team
  • Email if interest and want more info!
  • Registration opening early-February!

Students will have the opportunity to develop leadership and decision-making skills that will help them maximize economic, social, and environmental sustainability in their future jobs.

In 2025, we will expand the Tippie Sustainability Case Competition to include teams from other colleges and universities.

Tevin Robbins

Robbins, Tevin S - Associate Director, Student Engagement