The Inaugural Tippie Sustainability Case Competition (April 5th and 6th) will challenge teams of four UI undergraduate students to integrate knowledge from core business disciplines to solve a sustainability challenge facing organizations today. Students from all disciplines will have the opportunity to develop leadership and decision-making skills that will help them maximize economic, social, and environmental sustainability in their future jobs. The competition is presented by: Tippie Undergraduate Program Office (UPO), Tippie Senate, and the Tippie Social Impact Community (SIC). The registration deadline is Thursday, March 28, at 11:59 p.m. Learn more and register now.
- Open to all students and majors
- Register with a team of four OR individually sign up to be assigned a team
- Limit two Seniors per team
- First 20 teams to register are “in.” Sign-up ASAP to secure your team’s spot!
- PRIZE MONEY for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams!
- Teams receive the case prompt April 5th (written by the Tippie Social Impact Community) and get 24 hours to build their solutions for April 6th presentations.
- Free breakfast, lunch, and catered dinner on Saturday, April 6th for competition participants.
- Email tevin-robbins@uiowa.edu for more info!
In 2025, we will expand the Tippie Sustainability Case Competition to include teams from other universities across the US.