Alumni Perspectives: Economics and My Career

A panel discussion on the impact of an Iowa Economics degree. Food provided.

November 10th 12:30-1:30 in W401 PBB

Come meet four distinguished alumni of Iowa’s undergraduate program who have gone on to great success:





















Tuma Basa is the director of Black music and culture for YouTube
Cheryl Davenport is senior director of strategy and chief of staff for Nike, North America
Tom Niblock has served in embassies around the world as a foreign service officer with the US State Department
Mitch Plimmer is a successful attorney with Bradley & Riley PC.

While they have pursued diverse careers, all four panelists have found great value in what they learned in Iowa’s economics department. They will discuss how their training in economics helped prepare them for success, give advice on how to prepare for a successful career, and take questions from audience members.

Danielle Dion

Dion, Danielle A - Assoc Director, Pre-Business Success Initiatives