A Message to Tippie Student Organization Presidents

Hello Tippie Presidents!

My name is Emily Ellinger and I am a third year student on Tippie Senate. I am emailing you to let you know that I will be serving as your point of contact for questions you may have for your organization’s funding from the Tippie College.

As a Tippie organization, you are encouraged to apply to receive funds from the Undergraduate Program Office (UPO). Below if a list of guidelines:

  1. Your student organization is eligible to apply for up to $500 for two separate events per period.
  2. Events that promote global and cultural competence in business, build an inclusive community for students, promote newly developed activities, facilitate career/ professional skill building, and promote sustainability will be prioritized.
  3. This funding period ends on Monday, November 15th for events occurring December 2nd – March 1st. Any applications submitted after November 15th at 5:00 PM will not be considered.

Access the funding application here: https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_38avZJoXUjtjrGC

For any questions that you may have for your organization’s ability to receive Tippie funds, please email me at emily-ellinger@uiowa.edu or text me at (515)-240-9696.

l look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions!

Danielle Dion

Dion, Danielle A - Assoc Director, Pre-Business Success Initiatives