Knowledge Café is an informal gathering in which people share their knowledge and expertise by different means, including discussion, storytelling, best practices, presentation, etc. Anyone interested in the featured topic or connecting with and learning from other researchers is encouraged to attend!
Please see the list of presentations below.
<Thursday, Feb 3, 2022>
Speaker: Junho Yoon, Anindita Bandyopadhyay, and Chengyue Huang
Topic: Reference Management Tools
Slides: Knowledge_Cafe_Zotero (1)
<Thursday, Nov 11, 2021>
Speaker: Sadjad Anzabi Zadeh
Topic: Tips on HPC use
Slides: To be updated
<Friday, Nov 5, 2021>
Speaker: Amar Deep Gautam
Topic: Oracle SQL and Analytical Queries
Slides: INFORMS 5th Nov
<Thursday, September 23, 2021>
Speaker: Prof. Beste Basciftci
Topic: Academic job search workshop
<Tuesday, October 5, 2021>
Speaker: Prof. Sam Burer
Topic: Preparation for the academic job market