Hart Fund I
Historical Returns as of 8/31/2024 |
Period | Hart Fund I | Benchmark |
Month-to-date | 1.42% | 1.44% |
Year-to-date | 3.34% | 3.07% |
1 Year Trailing | 7.53% | 7.30% |
3 Year Trailing (Annualized) | -1.64% | -2.11% |
Since Inception | 8.49% | 5.77% |
Since Inception (Annualized) | 1.49% | 1.02% |
Hart Fund II
Historical Returns as of 8/31/2024 |
Period | Hart Fund II | Benchmark |
Month-to-date | 1.37% | 1.44% |
Year-to-date | 3.31% | 3.07% |
1 Year Trailing | 7.53% | 7.30% |
Since Inception | -1.43% | -4.80% |
Since Inception (Annualized) | -0.40% | -1.36% |