Looking for Statistics and Information? Try Statista!

Statista logo

Where to find it: You can find it on the Business library web site’s alphabetical list of databases.

Use it to find:

Statistics – Includes data on: companies, countries, products, demographics, advertising, etc.
Industry reports -A variety of industries, including popular categories such as: Sports & Recreation, Consumer Goods and FMCG, Media & Advertising, Technology & Telecommunications, and Internet
Dossiers (collections on a specific topic) – On about 80,000 popular topics. Provided in PowerPoint format
Infographics – new Infographics released daily

Tips for searching – Use the search box to do a keyword search
Within a search use the left sidebar to limit your search to Statistics, Studies, Dossiers & Industry-Reports, Topics, or Infographics.

Statista is really fun to browse as it is so visual.

Mouse over the drop down menus “Our Services”, “Markets & Topics”, and “Infographics” to further explore this database.

Want help using Statista? Contact the Business Librarians, Willow or Kim, and set up an appointment.

Research Help?

Only two weeks of classes left! Now is the time when you may be busily working on those research papers, slide decks, and assignments. Don’t forget, the Business Library is here for you!

  • Need help defining your topic? We got you!
  • Need help finding that last source? No problem!
  • Haven’t started yet? You still have time! We can help!

Business Librarians can help. Email Willow or Kim or set up a Zoom appointment.